Have you ever experienced sudden bursts of light or tiny, dark specks drifting in your vision?
Imagine strolling down the street, basking in the sunshine, when suddenly, a vibrant burst of light appears in your vision. Or envision yourself working on your computer, noticing tiny, dark specks floating across your screen. If you’ve encountered these unsettling symptoms, you’re not alone.
Did you know that over 70% of people experience flashes and floaters in their lifetime?
Flashes and floaters are two common yet intriguing visual disturbances that can be concerning and affect millions of individuals globally. But what causes these sudden flashes or drifting spots in our vision? Are they harmless or indicative of something more serious? In this exciting post, we’ll explore the world of flashes and floaters, exploring their causes, symptoms, and treatment options. But before we dive in, let’s give a brief definition of floaters and flashes.
Eye floaters are tiny, dark spots or cobweb-like structures appearing in one’s field of vision, especially when the eyes move. They may occur intermittently or persistently. Eye floaters are medically known as myodesopsias.
Flashes are brief, sudden spots or streaks of light that a person sees in their field of vision. They flicker and do not originate from external sources. Flashes are medically known as photopsia. Flashes tend to occur more frequently in the early morning for many individuals compared to later in the day. They may also occur when in a dark room or outside at nighttime. Upon waking up, some people may experience flashes of bright light that gradually diminish as the day progresses. In some cases, flashes can be triggered by head movements, eyes, or body, particularly in a dark environment.
Floaters or Flashes can occur in one or both eyes, individually or together, and can have various shapes, colors, frequencies, and durations.
We’ll stop here for now, and in our next post, we’ll explore the causes and symptoms of floaters and flashes. We at TREETOP VISION EYE CENTER (TREVEC), the best eye clinic in Utako, Abuja, are available to address all your inquiries and concerns about eye care. Contact us today!