Myopia Control
What is Myopia?
Myopia, also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness, is when you can see things up close clearly but things far away look blurry. It happens because your eyeball gets longer over time. More than a billion people worldwide have myopia. Myopia can cause problems for kids when it comes to learning and can even make their eyes more prone to certain diseases, like retinal detachments.
What is Myopia Control?
Myopia Control means using methods to slow down myopia’s progression. At Blossom Vision Eye Clinic, we have trained staff who know how to do this using methods that have been proven to work. We start treating kids early to stop or slow down myopia. We also encourage kids to get their eyes checked every year, starting as early as five years old. The sooner we spot the problem and begin treatment, the better the results will be in the long run.
We have modern equipment to take measurements of the eye and monitor the child over time. When necessary, we put in place the right plan to control myopia.
How Is Myopia Treated?
At Blossom Vision Eye Clinic, we mainly use four treatments to control myopia, and they work to varying degrees. Here they are:
Atropine eye drops – These are eye medicine that makes your pupil bigger and relaxes your eye’s focus. Sometimes, kids might also need reading glasses with these drops.
Distance-Center Multifocal contact lenses – These are special lenses with different powers in different parts of the lens to help with vision problems.
Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) – These are contact lenses specially made to be worn at night. They help prevent myopia symptoms during the day.
Multifocal eyeglasses – In some cases, especially when the eyes have “Esophoria,” adults might need bifocal or multifocal eyeglasses to slow down myopia.
Each method has its benefits, and our experienced doctors will decide which one is best for you or your child based on individual needs.
If you have nearsightedness, there are ways to slow it down. Make an appointment with us for myopia control, and we’ll help protect your vision.