Eye healthy tips


Symptoms of vision problems in children

Children may not be aware of what good vision looks like, so they might not communicate any problems. Parents or guardians need to identify potential vision issues in children by observing these symptoms and arranging an appointment with an optometrist for a proper examination.

Here are some indications that could suggest your child requires professional eye care

  1. Struggling to see distant objects: If your child has difficulty seeing things far away, such as the board in class or a ball thrown by a friend.
  2. Frequent squinting or rubbing of the eyes: If your child often squints or rubs their eyes, it could be a sign of vision problems.
  3. Holding books or devices very close: If your child consistently holds books, tablets, or smartphones close to their face.
  4. Complaints of headaches or eye strain: If your child frequently complains of headaches, fatigue, or discomfort.
  5. Difficulty recognizing shapes or colors: If your child struggles to identify basic shapes or colors.
  6. Reversing letters or numbers: If your child consistently reverses letters or numbers (e.g., “b” for “d”).
  7. Sitting very close to the TV or screen: If your child always sits very close to the TV or screen.
  8. Tilting head to see objects: If your child tilts to see objects or people.
  9. Covering one eye to see better: If your child covers one eye to improve their vision.
  10. Redness, discharge, or tearing in the eyes: If your child’s eyes are frequently red, watery, or have discharge.
  11.  Avoiding reading or tasks that require focus
  12. Delay in developmental milestones (e.g., not responding to visual stimuli by six months)
  13. Difficulty tracking moving objects
  14. Photophobia: highly sensitive to lights
  15. Strabismus:  Crossed or misaligned eyes
  16. Double or blurred vision
  17. Droopy eyes (Ptosis)
  18. Epiphoria: excessive tearing up
  19.  Struggling to concentrate for long periods
  20. Sleeping with open eyes and so on

If you notice any of these symptoms, schedule an eye examination with an eye specialist (optometrist) at TREETOP VISION EYE CENTER (TREVEC), the best eye clinic in Utako Abuja, to assess your child’s or ward’s vision and recommend glasses if needed.

Early identification and treatment can significantly impact your child’s vision development and academic performance.




  1. Anonymous says:

    Educative. Thanks Trevec.

  2. admin says:

    You’re welcome

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