Eye healthy tips



Last month, a foreign individual (white man) came to our facility reporting visual disturbances where he perceived objects and people in double. He was promptly referred to an Optometrist for a consultation, as this issue posed a significant challenge for him. Just imagine trying to focus on something and seeing two blurry images instead of one. It can be tricky to judge distances and figure out what is real. Are you See double? You are not alone, as diplopia affects millions of people around the world.

Double vision can be frustrating and even a bit scary, making everyday activities such as reading, driving, or even walking tough; this visual disturbance can take a toll on any individual’s confidence and quality of life.

So, what causes double vision? Is it a sign of an underlying medical condition? And can it be treated? In this blog post, we’ll dive into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for double vision. Whether you’re dealing with double vision yourself or know someone who is, this post is here to give you the insight and guidance you need to understand and address this complex condition.


Double vision is known medically as diplopia, which means “Double Vision”: is an eye condition that causes a person to see two images of the same object. The two images seen can be side by side or on top of one another. Double vision is usually a temporary condition and a sign of more severe conditions. Double vision can affect all ages. It can also affect either one or both eyes; however, diplopia that affects both eyes is more severe than when present in one eye.

Please watch out for our next post, as we will explain the types and causes of double vision. For any visual disturbance, consult an Optometrist at TREETOP VISION EYE CENTRE (TREVEC), the best eye clinic in Utako, Abuja.


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