Eye healthy tips


TREVEC sunglasses

Many times when we counsel our clients about getting photochromic lenses to protect them from ultra-violet rays, most of them usually have this familiar saying, “They wear sunglasses while in the sun or outdoors, and so they do not need photochromic lenses” because of the constant re-occurrence of this statement it brings us to the question; is there any clinical significance to sunglasses?

In this blog post, we will explore the world of sunglasses, ranging from its latest trends to its must-have features; we’ll be separating facts from myth and enumerate top tips for finding the perfect pair to match your style, face shape, and lifestyle. Let’s get started by defining sunglasses.


Sunglasses are dark glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun; a good pair would protect the eyes from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays. Sunglasses could serve as both a protective device for the eyes and a fashion accessory; they typically consist;

  • Lenses: They filter high-energy visible lights or bright sunlight, protecting the eyes; the different lens materials are plastic, poly-carbonate, or glass. Lenses that offer ultra-violent protection come with a special coating that absorbs, blocks and reflects these rays so they do not penetrate through the lens and into the eyes.
  • Frame: These are designed from different materials like plastic, metal, wood, or acetate, primarily to hold the lenses in place.


You might be wondering about these ultraviolet rays and why we need protection from them; here is why: the sun is a source of ultraviolet rays, and when we are outdoors in the sun, we’re exposed to three types of these rays known as ultraviolet A, B, and C, UVA, and UVB can penetrate and change our eye cell structure and skin causing injuries and burns which increases the risk of eye diseases and skin cancer that can lead to permanent vision loss. The harmful effects of ultra-violent A and B on the eyes include cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, cornea or conjunctiva damage, and cancers.

We will stop here; stay tuned to our next post as we will discuss more about sunglasses.

To consult an Optometrist visit us at TREETOP VISION EYE CENTRE (TREVEC), the best eye clinic in Utako, Abuja.




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