In our previous post we established that blinking is not just fantastic but a vital aspect of eye function and health. One interesting fact about blinking that most people are ignorant about is that it is of different types.
- SPONTANEOUS BLINKING: it is the most common type of blinking, and it happens subconsciously; just as breathing is automatic so is this type of blinking.
- VOLUNTARY BLINKING: It means blinking on cue and occurs on purpose or command: this means you can decide to blink at any time (you just blinked, didn’t you?)
- CORNEAL REFLEX (REFLEX BLINKING): This type of blinking occurs when the eyes sense danger or when something gets too close to the eyes, which causes your corneal reflex to kick in, just like when you touch something painful or hot, and you quickly withdraw your hand. This reflex is an automatic response to stimuli that helps to protect the eyes.
Now that you know the different types of blinking, it brings us to an important question: why do we blink?
Each blink helps to keep the eyes healthy in many ways such as;
- Blinking spreads tears (lacrimal secretions) across the surface of the eyeballs, keeping the eyes lubricated, moisturized, and comfortable.
- Blinking protects the eyes from dangerous objects, bright lights, and other irritants.
- Sends nutrients and oxygen to the eyes
- Blinking removes dust, dead cells, dirt, dried tears, and other small particles or debris from the eyes.
- Blinking helps rest and refresh the eyes, reducing eye strain and fatigue.
FUN FACT: Blinking can also be a non-verbal form of communication that conveys emotions like excitement or surprise.
So, if you experience irritated, tired, or dry eyes, try blinking more to keep the eyes comfortable. And for an overall healthy eye consult an Optometrist at least twice every year at TREETOP VISION EYE CENTRE (TREVEC), the best eye clinic in Utako, Abuja.